Traveling to Egypt During Ramadan

Traveling to Egypt During Ramadan

Ramadan is a holy month in Egypt and the country celebrates it with a wide variety of activities. During this time, tourists can enjoy a unique cultural experience, such as attending religious ceremonies and trying traditional dishes. Egypt is a beautiful country to visit during Ramadan and its culture must be explored.

What is Ramadan?

Ramadan commemorates the time when the Koran began to be revealed to Mohammed It is a time of fasting, prayer, and reflection, and is the holiest time of the year for Muslims. During Ramadan, Muslims abstain from food and drink from dawn to sunset. At the end of the month, Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr, a festival of thanksgiving for having completed the fast.

During Ramadan, Muslims observe a fast, involving abstention from food, drink, and smoking during daylight hours. This period of self-control and spiritual reflection is meant to bring worshippers closer to God. The fast is broken at sunset with a meal known as iftar. After breaking the fast, Muslims often gather in mosques to perform evening prayers.

When is Ramadan?
The ninth month of the Islamic calendar, The Hijri/Islamic/Lunar calendar is based on the moon’s cycles, with each new month beginning when the crescent moon is sighted. It is not fixed to the Gregorian calendar and can vary in length from 29 to 30 days.

What happens after Iftar –breaks the fast?
At sunset, signaled by the sounding of a siren and the lighting of lamps on the minarets, an amazing calm and sense of well-being fall on the streets, as everyone eats fuul and taamiya, and in the cities at least, gets down to a night of celebration and entertainment. Throughout the evening, urban cafés – and main squares – provide venues for live music and singing.

During Ramadan, the country’s day-to-day life changes. People fast from sunrise to sunset, and many restaurants and shops close. The streets will be bustling during the evening and night, so you can try Ramadan Nights and try Dinner Cruise Cairo. It’s a time of reflection and contemplation, as well as joy and celebration. Special events like Iftar parties and Suhoor gatherings bring people together to break their fasts.

The Best Things to do during Ramadan

You can experience our Full Day Tour of Islamic Cairo, as Many mosques offer nightly prayers during Ramadan, and it’s a great time to visit Cairo’s many historical sites. Mosques are often open to visitors during Ramadan and offer lectures and classes to those looking to learn more about the Islamic faith. For a truly unique experience, join a group of friends to spend the night in one of Cairo’s historical mosques.

Ramadan is a unique time to experience Cairo day tours and its culture, Exploring Cairo by night is a unique experience. The city comes alive with lights, music, and the energy of the people. It’s the perfect way to experience the culture and spirit of Cairo. At night, the city skyline is illuminated by lights from mosques and minarets, creating a magical atmosphere. Cairo by night offers a chance to admire the ancient architecture and observe the locals as they go about their lives. During Ramadan, Cairo by night is particularly special, with the sights and sounds of the city amplified by the celebrations of the holy month.

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