Al-Azhar Mosque in Cairo

Al-Azhar Mosque in Cairo

November 26, 2023
Cairo Sightseeing

Al-Azhar Mosque is a prominent religious institution Located in the Khan Khalili district, Cairo. Egypt. It is recognized as one of the oldest and most prestigious mosques in the world. This document provides an overview of Al-Azhar Mosque, including its historical significance, architecture, and significance in Islamic studies.

Historical Significance

Al-Azhar Mosque was first established by order of the Fatimid caliph al-Muizz ibn Badis in 970 AD. The name “Azhar” means “refinery” or “splendor” in Arabic, referring to the mosque’s architectural beauty and grandeur. The mosque has undergone several expansions and renovations throughout history, with the latest renovation taking place in the early 20th century.


Al-Azhar Mosque is renowned for its magnificent architecture. It is built on a square plan and is surrounded by enclosed courtyards and covered arcades. The mosque’s main prayer hall, the Qubbat al-Sharif, is adorned with intricately decorated minarets and domes. The architecture reflects the integration of different artistic styles, including Islamic and Mamluk.

Al-Azhar Mosque also  known for its unique architectural features. Its minaret, known as the “Minaret of Qaitbay,” stands 107 meters tall, making it one of the tallest minarets in the world. Additionally, the mosque features intricate Islamic art, including mosaics, calligraphy, and decorative inscriptions.

Academic Excellence

Al-Azhar Mosque is not only an architectural masterpiece but also a renowned center of Islamic studies. It is affiliated with the Al-Azhar University, which is the oldest continuously operating university in the world. The university specializes in Islamic theology, philosophy, law, and other disciplines related to Islamic studies.

Significance in Islamic Studies

Al-Azhar Mosque holds great significance in Islamic studies. It is often referred to as “the mother of all mosques” due to its role as the preeminent institution for Islamic learning. The mosque’s scholars have played a crucial role in shaping Islamic theology, legal interpretations, and scholarly traditions throughout history.

Al-Azhar Mosque is an exceptional architectural and cultural landmark, renowned as one of the most important mosques in the world. Its historical significance as an institution of Islamic learning and its role in shaping Islamic traditions make it a place of great significance for Muslims worldwide.


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